How to help
Listen: Listen to their ideas and help them create an action plan to make their idea a reality.
Collaborate: Encourage them to talk to others who can help them with their idea.
Remove Barriers: Help them trouble shoot and find ways to remove barriers that prevent them from making their idea a reality.
Spread the Word: Tell your friends about your child’s idea.
Help them share their ideas: Use a variety of communication resources to get the word out about their idea. Some to consider: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, e-mail, creating a website, posting a YouTube video, creating a poster, and speaking at a community center or a school.
Help Others: Have conversations about the unique skills of your individual family members and talk about ways to apply these skills for others in need. The Volunteer Match website is a great place to start.
Lead by Example: Be a positive role model and take action on an idea you have to help make positive change in your community.

Wilhelmina Henry
Stockton Unified School District’s first African American educator turns 95 this year. Wilhelmina Henry was hired to teach at the old Monroe Elementary School in 1947 – having moved to Stockton from South Carolina.
She taught until her retirement in 1994, but continues to visit her namesake school, the Wilhelmina Henry Elementary School and maintain a scholarship fund for SUSD students.
Henry School opened in the fall of 2006 with a special presentation by the students telling the story of Wilhemina Henry’s life and the significant decision by the SUSD Board of Education to hire her as a teacher. She was born in Columbia, South Carolina, graduating from Tuskegee Institute in Alabama in 1940. She married in South Carolina and in 1946, moved to Stockton and raised her family here.