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Citywide Kwanzaa Celebration



The Kwanzaa Celebration is a time to celebrate our culture, welcome back our College students and recognize the African American Service organizations in the Community. 


To the Right is a video on the history of Kwanzaa

Financial Aid/ Scholarship Workshop



As part of MLK weekend, sponsored by Ministers and Community United, we do a financia aid and scholarship workshop for seniors applying to college to assist with the process and give them important information about local scholarships.

Senior Mixer



We intend to do mixer for African American seniors in the Winter to introduce them to each other and assist them with the transition to adulthood.


Black Graduates Recognition Program


Each year we celebrate the African American High School Graduates of the San Joaquin County. The program celebrates their accomplishment and reminds them of their great potential and responsibility. 


Black Graduates Recognition 25th Anniversary video

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